Thursday, April 5, 2007

Computers, Cats and Rats! Oh MY!

Computers: Hello everyone. I am writing to you from my recovered MacBook. How sweet it is to have may laptop back in action. I stopped by the HQ building twice on Tuesday and asked multiple people if my FEDEX package had come in....the only response I received was "no." My wife said I should have the drive by the 3rd, but alas it was not there. I asked my wife for the tracking number only to discover that the drive had been delivered on the 30!!!! What the all I needed to do was track down who signed for it. When I called today, I asked if anyone knew the name and to my dismay, I was speaking to the signatory. I asked him to verify that he did in fact have the drive before I drove 30 minutes to the building. To my dismay, again, he said he had it. I told him to keep it out and I'd come pick it up. I had been asking and asking about my FEDEX package for a week and come to find out that he had it all the time. Instead of being nasty, I just picked up the drive and thanked him. I could have given him a piece of my mind, but I'm bigger than that....We are all away from our loved ones and at times life is trying enough.

Cats: The other day, I was coming down the stairs when I hear a mysterious almost sounds like a baby crying. I run into a couple of Army Seargents and I ask "What is that noise?" The response was "It's our new Mouse killing cat." So I head down to the basement to see what this cat looks like and to size him up as a mouse killer. Well, he's a cute little orange tabby and he's only about 4-6 months old and he' crying for either company or food. A few folks have been taking care of him and he's adjusted to the "Castle" life. So I think, that this place just might have a few small field mice running around for the little cat to catch.

Rats: To my surprise, last night one of the fellows I sit next to jumps up out of his seat....Startled, I ask what is going on. He says that he saw the "mouse" run behind out work stations and he described the mouse as a large it appears that our new cat has his work cut out for him. The mouse is apparently as big as the cat. The folks downstairs are feeding and training the cat to be a real killer using string and laser pointers to hone the cat's skills. I'll try to keep you all up-to-date on the cat & RAT story.

The guy I am relieving leaves on Sunday. I think I have a pretty good handle on the job. Last night he said he gave me the keys and it's all me now. I've posted a story in the upper right corner that was published last month (SEAPOWER) and it describes what we (the Navy) is doing in Iraq for those of you that don't know.......That's about all for now.

K, J & C I miss your hugs.....Love you!

(Pic above is me sitting in the famous chair in the Al Faw Palace holding my M-16)


swimming /c sharks said...

too cool buster.. gun and all.. hope you stay safe little broham.. how long is your tour?

ea6bflyr said...

9-months....Hopefully I'll be back by Jan 08.