Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Iraqi Prison


The other day I was out jogging (and because I am an old fat guy, I don't RUN, I jog) by the fence-line when Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison Blues started playing on my iPod shuffle. At that time I started to draw parallels about how being in Iraq is similar to being in Prison (but different). Don't get me wrong, doing time in a prison is a punishment for those that get caught breaking the law and this list is not meant to belittle prison, just discuss my thoughts: (the list is not all encompassing)

1. Prisoners live inside walls protected by armed guards to keep the bad guys in; in Iraq, the armed guards are keeping the bad guys out.

2. Prisoners are un-armed and guards are heavily armed; in Iraq, everyone is armed, some more heavily than others.

3. In prison, inmates lose thier freedom; in Iraq, we are protecting freedom.

4. Prisoners wear uniforms; in Iraq, so does the military.

5. Prisoners eat prepared food in a chow hall; in Iraq, so does the military.

6. Prisoners are free to roam the compound during certain hours; in Iraq, the military is free to roam where we wish as long as you have the proper Body Armor.

7. Prison time is considered hard time; so is serving in Iraq.

That's about all I can remeber from the list I made in my head during a 40-minute jog. Feel free to add to the list via comments.

I am proud to be helping out the Army with my job and we see forward progress everyday with what we are doing. When watching the NEWS at home, only believe about half of what you see and none of what you hear. The news at times is so lopsided. If you don't alread know: CNN is a Democratic News station and FOX is a Republican News station....if you don't believe me, sit and analyze each of the stations and make up your own mind. Not that I am criticizing either station, it's just that they tend to put their own spin (or interpretation) on what they see. (Stepping down from soap box) Sorry....didn't mean to rant, but sometimes the News is all we watch and it sometimes just gets you frustrated.

As always, I miss and love you K, J & C. Multiple boxes of love!

Picture above is a stock photo of a typical guard tower in Iraq.


Casa de Tomas said...

Hey Rob, I think you got that all wrong about CNN! CNN is NOT the democrat news station CNN=Communist News Network get it right!

Ken said...

So what happens when you drop the soap in Iraq? Now I'm really scared for you!

swimming /c sharks said...

hey rob ,ive sent you notes are you not acknowledging me ?

Casa de Tomas said...

Hey little broham ya losing any weight with the jog routine?

Casa de Tomas said...

BROHAMA thanks for the stickers and shirt they made it to my casa. I have a magnet on the back of the van that Pats friend gave us. Its a red star within a red outlined white square signifying that we have a loved one in Iraq. Keep on the downlow...

ea6bflyr said...

Swimming: I haven't recieved any emails, but I have seen your comments in the blogs.

Casa: I don't know if I've lost any...I'm not measuring. Glad you liked the shirt & stickers!! H-B-Day!

Ken: I use soap on a rope :)