Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bats, Mosquitoes and Booms

As I walked from my tent to the computer place to check email, I saw lots and lots of bats. This is a good thing because as the weather starts to warm up, the mosquitoes will start to get worse. I already have 4-5 bites and they do itch. GO BATS!!!

Booms: The other day my wife asked me if I heard the explosions on base. To which I answered “Which ones?” You see, in day to day life near Baghdad you tend to hear explosions all the time but they are always distant. They (us and them) are always blowing something up. Please don’t worry about me, I am safe and sound at the base.

I'll soon start my new job and finally get to work.....instead of training.

The picture above is of the barrier walls (called T walls) that protect most structures around the camp.

1 comment:

Casa de Tomas said...

Isnt it funny what we think of bats as flying rats and they actually contribute to mankind by eating the mosquitoes that make our life miserable! Keep down range of them flying carpets.