Thursday, October 4, 2007

Golf in Baghdad

Yep, they have a driving range in Baghdad.  You show up and they provide balls and clubs.  This range is run by one of the units here, not the base.  I'm told that the driving range was sponsored by some stateside golf courses.  Kinda nice to whack a few balls now and then.  Every so many days they go out and pick up all the balls.  Too bad they don't have one of those high-speed golf ball picker-uppers! Pretty cool, huh?  Who'd thought they'd have a driving range in a war zone.
Funny thing happened the other night. A friend and I were driving back from the Airport over here and I heard a bunch of loud noise.  I initially thought it was a low flying helicopter, but to my suprise it was about 6 tanks rolling up the road coming straight for me.  It was dark and I didn't see them until they were very close.....Talk about power projection, whoa!  Doin' ok in Baghdad.  Thanks for peeking in to my world today. More pics soon.

1 comment:

MOM said...

you need to be more careful!!!!!!!!